IONITY CHARGING POINTS...more partners and more promises

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Ionity, a consortium of Mercedes/Daimler, VW, Ford, BMW and now Hyundai, say that they are on track to finish building a network of 400 European fast-charging stations by next year to make long-distance travel easier.

All that is very good but just look at this map….

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…so, if you live in the UK, Italy, Spain or parts of France what is the plan.

IONITY said… 

IONITY has just announced a partnership with Extra MSA Group to provide crucial High-Power-Charging (HPC) Stations for the UK Motorway. The first IONITY/Extra HPC Station will open at Extra’s new M1 J45 Leeds Skelton Lake MSA later this year. IONITY and Extra are also proposing a further seven new 350kW HPC Stations at other Extra ‘umbrella branded’ MSAs, as currently being programmed. Each HPC Station will initially feature up to six 350 kW Chargers that can charge next-generation electric vehicles in 20-30 minutes. IONITY propose a UK network of 40 HPC Stations for the UK and as targeted by end of 2020. IONITY is currently installing 400 HPC Stations across Europe by end of 2020, providing up to 2400 Charging Points.

Throughout Europe they say they have 147 Live Charging Points and are presently building another 54…with a target of 400 by the end of 2020. With the strength of the Manufacturers ( Mercedes/Daimler, VW, Ford, BMW and now Hyundai ) behind them, what we MUST HAVE is Government support and stimulation for the whole charging infrastructure not only IONITY to be vastly improved throughout Europe….and this MUST happen quickly.
