Non flammable battery with treble the energy....coming sooooon.


Swiss startup Innolith AG has designed a non-flammable battery with high energy density that could take the place of conventional lithium-ion batteries on the market today, and potentially make electric vehicles “cheaper than internal combustion engines”, Markus Borck, chief engineer at the company, told Bloomberg recently.

Lithium-ion battery technology is “reaching its limits” due to its flammability, high costs and dependence on certain materials like cobalt that can be difficult to source, said Sergey Buchin, chief executive at Innolith. In contrast, the company’s inorganic electrolyte technology contains no cobalt and is proven in laboratories to have a higher energy density than batteries currently on the market.

Innolith deployed its first utility-scale battery on the Pennsylvania New Jersey Maryland interconnection grid in the U.S. almost two years ago and is now developing an electric vehicle battery. An Innolith EV battery would have energy density of “1,000 watt-hours per kilogram” – treble the energy density of a Tesla vehicle battery – which would reduce the cost to $50 per kilowatt-hour, Borck said.