A Morris Electric Van...and a Chinese founder with a bit of a ?? record.

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Well well would you believe it ? This catchy little Press Release tells us a bit more:

Morris Commercial, a UK-based automotive engineering and manufacturing start-up, is delighted to announce that it will soon be unveiling its new electric light commercial vehicle, the Morris JE.

Boasting a state-of-the-art, full electric, lithium-ion battery powertrain, the new Morris JE is designed as a premium product with great styling, excellent functionality and a practical driving range for business and pleasure. The vehicle benefits from a lightweight, modular chassis, making it highly adaptable for future derivatives. The combination of advanced lightweight chassis with a complete carbon fibre body makes the Morris JE one of the lightest LCVs in the marketplace. The result is an excellent power-to-weight efficiency which fully maximises the range of the vehicle. 

the juicy bit….

I don’t think it can go without saying that the founder of the new business is a certain Dr Qu Li, who the Mail On Line says is …’the mysterious and glamorous Chinese woman fixer who was paid £1.7million as a consultant to MG Rover at the same time as she was having an affair with Nick Stephenson, one of its directors.

Also, The Mail on Sunday said that her father was for many years a senior official at the Chinese car firm that scooped up the historic British company’s discounted assets – including the rights to the famous MG sports car – in a so-called ‘lift and shift’ operation after the company collapsed.’

What a lucky coincidence that was…she getting paid 1.7 million quid, then the company goes bust and her Dad then buys the business for twopence…Luck lady …here’s a 10 year old + photo of her with her wealthy Dad. ( courtesy Mail On Line )


For now I think the best thing to say is….Good Luck !!

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