Chilly results from American AAA Test on Winter Use of Electric Cars

photo source: You Tube

photo source: You Tube

If the temperature drops to a nippy -7C  you could lose 12% of the driving range of your electric car, on the other extreme, at a balmy 35C you could lose 4%…

BUT if you have your air-con on all the time to keep you happy all that changes dramatically at -7C with the air con working you could lose up to 41% of driving range…..which is huge !

At 35C you could have a 17% decrease in range.

This all means that future battery development needs to take note of this research by AAA in America.

It is not acceptable that your driving range is so effected by use of the air-conditioning. Let’s hope that this is remedied very quickly and we look forward to reporting some positive news from the  battery manufacturers in the near future.